FREEDOM SQUADRON Preview: Advanced Cybernetics

One of the design goals with the new Freedom Squadron is to move away from players and GMs needing anything besides the core Savage Worlds rules and your Freedom Squadron books.  As part of that, we're coming up with our own flexible, intuitive cybernetics rules.



One or more of your organs and/or limbs have been replaced by an advanced cybernetics system, bestowing superhuman abilities. You are better, faster, or stronger than before. 
You receive 9 Gear Points that you can use to purchase the effects of this cybernetic system. Common uses are an increase to a Trait, additional Toughness, or to replicate the effects of another piece of equipment (such as the Evil Beagle Scanner). This Edge may be taken multiple times, replacing a different limb and/or organ each time. Additional uses of the Advanced Cybernetics Edge only grant 6 Gear Points, however. Gear Points gained from Advances or Special Mission Rewards may be used to further enhance the cybernetic system. 
Advanced cybernetics are susceptible to interference from electromagnetic pulses (EMPs). You suffer a –4 penalty to resist the effects of weaponized electromagnetic fields and an extra 4 points of damage from EMP grenades and similar weapons. This penalty does not stack if you take the Advanced Cybernetics Edge again. 

Gear Customization 

Freedom Squadron heroes not only gain their Code Name when they reach Seasoned Rank, but they can also start seriously customizing their Gear Kit to their personal tastes. Customization costs Gear Points, and all such changes should be cleared with the Game Master. Three Gear Points equate to one point of positive racial abilities or Power Modifiers (see Savage Worlds). Gear customization can be applied to a single piece of personal equipment or a single vehicular system. 
In addition to the options in Savage Worlds, players may also choose the following: 

Value  Ability 
3       Gear Points Damage (3): This adds +1 Damage to a personal weapon or vehicular weapon system every time it is taken. 
3       Gear Points Half Weight (2): This halves the weight of a piece of armor, a weapon, or a a piece of equipment every time it is taken. 
3       Gear Points Skill Bonus (2/skill): Heroes in Freedom Squadron may spend 3 Gear Points to gain a +1 bonus with a skill rather than the +2 specified by the racial ability. The cap on skill bonuses from a single piece of gear remains +2. 

When choosing the Edge racial ability, multiple instances of Edges that can be purchased more than once count as “Ranks beyond Novice” for purposes of cost. 

For example: Robin decides to spend some of the Gear Points belonging to Black Cat, her Occult Ops warrant officer, to purchase a medallion imbued with multiple uses of the Power Points Edge. The medallion itself has no in-game value so it costs 0 Gear Points. The first use of the Edge costs 6 Gear Points (the equivalent of a Novice Edge). The second use costs 9 Gear Points (the equivalent of a Seasoned Edge) and so on. Apply common sense when determining the benefits of customization. A bespoke rifle might add +2 to Shooting rolls, but it could not grant a bonus to Strength. 

The Advanced Technology Manual will offer the Advanced Bion, a cybernetics-based Framework. The Advanced Technology Manual and Occult Operations Manual will also offer more insight into high tech options and occult equipment.


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