Another change coming to the Field Manual is an expansion of Focuses, with example Focuses provided for every skill. In addition, some skills--like Demolitions--get expanded descriptions and mechanics.

Demolitions (Smarts)

The Demolitions skill allows heroes to place and set off explosives for maximum effect, as well as find and defuse explosive devices. While a Demolitions expert can blow up or blow through anything given enough time to set the proper charges, use the Breaking Things rules to do so in combat (see Savage Worlds).

Authorized personnel in Freedom Squadron are issued Demolitions Packs as part of their loadout. This set of explosive components and related paraphernalia has a total of 12d6 to distribute into bombs of varying sizes (4d6 max for a single bomb). One d6 can be sacrificed to increase the damage dice to d8s, while a second d6 can be spent to make them d10s. All such bombs are Heavy Weapons and use whichever of the three Blast Templates the creator wishes.

Building an explosive device during combat cost one action per two dice of damage and requires a separate Demolitions roll per action. A 2d6 damage bomb takes 1 actions to build; a 4d10 damage bomb takes 3 actions.

Demolitions can be used to set assembled antipersonnel mines, antitank mines, and other bombs. A successful Demolitions roll is sufficient to place the explosives and any triggering device. If the explosives expert is on Hold and wishes to interrupt another character’s action with a remote-control detonation, another Demolitions roll may be needed.

Explosives can be set during combat to breach doors and walls. Place a Blast Template with the door or wall to be breached at the center; creatures within the Template take damage from the explosion, though those on the far side of the obstacle receive a Cover bonus equal to the Toughness of the obstacle (see Cover & Obstacles in Savage Worlds).

Focuses: Bomb Disposal, Building Implosion Techniques, Compressed Gas, Cooking, Incendiaries, De-arming, Depth Charges, Dismantling, Disposal, High Explosives, Improvised Explosive Devices, Landmines, Obstacles, Shaped Charges, Thermobaric Bombs, Weak Points.


REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Demolitions d8+

The world is so much more dangerous with VENOM in it, making experts with bombs and explosives a vital necessity to Freedom Squadron. A Demolitions Expert gets one free reroll on any rolls made to set, identify, disarm, and create explosives, as well as using explosives to bring down structures.


REQUIREMENTS: Demolitions Expert

The use of directional shaped charges reduces the danger when forcing entry into VENOM hideouts. When you breach a doorway or wall with Demolitions, targets within the Blast Template on your side of the obstacle receive half damage.


REQUIREMENTS: Demolitions Expert

You know how to sound out the weak points of any object. When Breaking Things (see Savage Worlds) with explosives, you get a bonus damage die from a raise on your Demolitions roll and your damage dice Ace.


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