The Steamscapes: Asia Kickstarter is LIVE!

The Kickstarter for Steamscapes: Asia is now live!  I'm contributing the chapter on Japan, so -- if you like this blog -- please contribute so I can get paid some real money for my writing!

(Yeah, I know that's a really selfish reason, but I think it's a good argument.)

I know my section has some really surprising twists on how Japanese history could have gone, and I think they make it a really interesting and exciting world to play in -- and this is the time-frame of The Last Samurai and Rurouni Kenshin, so you know it's good!

There will be more up on the blog as the month progresses, so stay tuned!

And speaking of tuned, think of this as the unofficial theme song of Steamscapes' Japan:


  1. Sounds interesting! Unfortunately I just last week put a freeze on my kickstarter budget, but I wish you good luck and will spread the word around!

    1. I understand budget constraints, but please do spread the word. The fine folks at Four-in-Hand have the same concern for social justice that motivated "The Queen's Cavaliers" -- and the same sense of adventure!


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