Races of Altellus: Satyridae for D&D 5e
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Satyr and Maid with Fruit Basket by Peter Paul Rubens |
"She stood, with mouth agape and eyes that hailed, her thick throat full of suppressed clamour. The other was the Dream now, and these!… they came down, mad and noisy and bright—Maenades, Thyades, satyrs, fauns—naked, in hides of beasts, ungirded, dishevelled, wreathed and garlanded, dancing, singing, shouting. The thudding of their hooves shook the ground, and the clash of their timbrels and the rustling of their thyrsi filled the air.” -- Oliver Onions, “Io”
Passionate and playful, unbound and untamed, satyridae are lust for life embodied.
United in Diversity
While satyrs are the sexually dimorphic male counterpart to nymphs and breed true when they mate with the feminine fey of wood and stream, satyrs’ lusts are hardly confined to their counterparts. The children of unions between humans and satyrs… or elves and satyrs… or Halflings and satyrs… or dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, tieflings, aasimar, genasi, goliaths, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and sundry other humanoid races and satyrs are the wildly variegated half-breeds called satyridae.
United by the fey magic of their fathers’ blood, satyridae share many traits despite their diverse appearances. All satyridae are humanoids with goat-like horns and hairy, goat-like legs, but physical uniformity ends there. A half-orc satyrid might have orc-like fangs and huge, curling horns while a half-elf satyrid might be a paragon of beauty; despite this, the physical abilities (and inner natures) of satyridae are much the same. While satyrs are uniformly male, satyridae may be of any sex.
The Spark of Life Burns Hot
Regardless of their non-satyr origin, satyridae tend to live around 150 years. The burning lust for life that animates satyridae prolongs the lifespan of shorter-lived races like humans and orcs, but flares out to quickly to attain the many centuries an elf or gnome may live. Despite living longer than humans or goblinoids, satyridae are anxious to fill each day with as many sensual experiences as they can stomach.
Whether it’s dancing, drinking, eating, fighting, or sex, a satyrid will indulge to excess as long as it gets her heart racing. Satyridae see no shame in losing control; being out of your head means your body feels the fullest sensations. They drink to drunkenness, eat to gorging, and brawl for no reason.
Outcasts and Outlaws
Aside from the unusual world of Altellus (where satyridae have bred true and effectively replaced humans as the world’s most populous race), satyridae are rarely ever distinct populations unto themselves. They usually live on the verges of their non-satyr parent’s society or join with bands of satyrs – if they weren’t abandoned in the woods by their mothers in the first place.
Rural villages that border sylvan woods (especially those forests with portals to the Feywild) often have one or two goat-legged byblows of fertility rituals. Such satyridae may be regarded with religious awe or superstitious terror depending on the village; in either case, the satyridae are often isolated from their fellow villagers. Such children may turn to adventuring to find companions who will not judge them, or abandon civilization to cavort in the woods with the fey.
Whether they take up the adventuring life or choose the Arcadian path, satyridae often find themselves in conflict with the forces of order. A satyrid’s sybaritic lifestyle frequently costs more than what they can afford, and the forest satyrs lack even the industry of wine-making. Brigandage is a tempting path for many satyridae, though the best amongst them instead vent their passionate natures into artistic callings.
"She stood, with mouth agape and eyes that hailed, her thick throat full of suppressed clamour. The other was the Dream now, and these!… they came down, mad and noisy and bright—Maenades, Thyades, satyrs, fauns—naked, in hides of beasts, ungirded, dishevelled, wreathed and garlanded, dancing, singing, shouting. The thudding of their hooves shook the ground, and the clash of their timbrels and the rustling of their thyrsi filled the air.” -- Oliver Onions, “Io”
Passionate and playful, unbound and untamed, satyridae are lust for life embodied.
United in Diversity
While satyrs are the sexually dimorphic male counterpart to nymphs and breed true when they mate with the feminine fey of wood and stream, satyrs’ lusts are hardly confined to their counterparts. The children of unions between humans and satyrs… or elves and satyrs… or Halflings and satyrs… or dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, tieflings, aasimar, genasi, goliaths, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and sundry other humanoid races and satyrs are the wildly variegated half-breeds called satyridae.
United by the fey magic of their fathers’ blood, satyridae share many traits despite their diverse appearances. All satyridae are humanoids with goat-like horns and hairy, goat-like legs, but physical uniformity ends there. A half-orc satyrid might have orc-like fangs and huge, curling horns while a half-elf satyrid might be a paragon of beauty; despite this, the physical abilities (and inner natures) of satyridae are much the same. While satyrs are uniformly male, satyridae may be of any sex.
The Spark of Life Burns Hot
Regardless of their non-satyr origin, satyridae tend to live around 150 years. The burning lust for life that animates satyridae prolongs the lifespan of shorter-lived races like humans and orcs, but flares out to quickly to attain the many centuries an elf or gnome may live. Despite living longer than humans or goblinoids, satyridae are anxious to fill each day with as many sensual experiences as they can stomach.
Whether it’s dancing, drinking, eating, fighting, or sex, a satyrid will indulge to excess as long as it gets her heart racing. Satyridae see no shame in losing control; being out of your head means your body feels the fullest sensations. They drink to drunkenness, eat to gorging, and brawl for no reason.
Outcasts and Outlaws
Aside from the unusual world of Altellus (where satyridae have bred true and effectively replaced humans as the world’s most populous race), satyridae are rarely ever distinct populations unto themselves. They usually live on the verges of their non-satyr parent’s society or join with bands of satyrs – if they weren’t abandoned in the woods by their mothers in the first place.
Rural villages that border sylvan woods (especially those forests with portals to the Feywild) often have one or two goat-legged byblows of fertility rituals. Such satyridae may be regarded with religious awe or superstitious terror depending on the village; in either case, the satyridae are often isolated from their fellow villagers. Such children may turn to adventuring to find companions who will not judge them, or abandon civilization to cavort in the woods with the fey.
Whether they take up the adventuring life or choose the Arcadian path, satyridae often find themselves in conflict with the forces of order. A satyrid’s sybaritic lifestyle frequently costs more than what they can afford, and the forest satyrs lack even the industry of wine-making. Brigandage is a tempting path for many satyridae, though the best amongst them instead vent their passionate natures into artistic callings.
Satyrid Names
Satyridae raised amongst their mothers’ people are named according to those humanoids’ traditions. A satyrid growing up in fey society is usually given or takes a name corresponding to satyr and nymph conventions. They have no surnames, but may take nicknames to further differentiate themselves.
Female Names: Amaltheia, Antiope, Axieros, Chloe, Chrysis, Hekateris, Kabeiris, Kythere, Jenna, Melia, Neda, Oenothea, Quartilla, Tryphaena
Male Names: Ampelos, Brucato, Gemon, Giton, Komos, Leneus, Lykon, Maron, Marsyas, Phillipus, Skirtos, Torgo, Trimalchio, Zamfir
Satyrid Traits
Your satyrid character has a number of natural abilities, a birthright inherited from your father.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Satyridae attain physical maturity in their mid-teens and live for less than two centuries.
Alignment. Satyridae enjoy freedom to the point of irresponsibility; chaos is central to their natures. They favor sating their own carnal pleasures above either helping or hurting others, and are more often neutral than good or evil.
Size. Satyridae range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall (depending on their mother’s race) and have muscular builds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your bounding, goat-like legs give you a base walking speed of 40 feet.
Born Musician. No satyrid child grows to maturity without picking up at least one musical instrument. You have proficiency in the Performance skill.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Goatish Digestion. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Horns. You are never unarmed. You are proficient with your horns, which are a melee weapon that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Sylvan and the language of your mother.
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http://atryl.deviantart.com/art/20-Satyr-333469335 |
Satyridae in Altellus
On the continent of Erigone in the world of Altellus, humans are extinct, replaced by their own half-human progeny. Centuries of human mating with centaurs, dryads, dwarves, fairies, minotaurs, nymphs, satyrs, and sphinxes created a common culture of diverse races. Satyridae, one of the most prolific of the demi-humans, exist in the socioeconomic niche occupied by working-class humans on most worlds.
Filling the role of farmers and laborers has not dimmed the fires of satyridae’s passion. The working class culture of Erigone is vibrant and bold. Even the most menial labor is accompanied by song; a grape harvest becomes a heavenly chorus as whole communities take to the vineyards, while street sweepers in the great cities sing to the beat of horses’ hooves.
Many satyridae dream of more exciting lives, and the armies of the city-states of Erigone march on cloven hooves. Few satyridae have the dedication to rise in the ranks, but there are those who become generals and admirals. Most satyridae soldiers either return to their hometowns or seek their fortunes as bravos and mercenaries.
Altellan satyridae know High Sylvan (the common tongue of Erigone) and their local dialect of Low Sylvan.
Filling the role of farmers and laborers has not dimmed the fires of satyridae’s passion. The working class culture of Erigone is vibrant and bold. Even the most menial labor is accompanied by song; a grape harvest becomes a heavenly chorus as whole communities take to the vineyards, while street sweepers in the great cities sing to the beat of horses’ hooves.
Many satyridae dream of more exciting lives, and the armies of the city-states of Erigone march on cloven hooves. Few satyridae have the dedication to rise in the ranks, but there are those who become generals and admirals. Most satyridae soldiers either return to their hometowns or seek their fortunes as bravos and mercenaries.
Altellan satyridae know High Sylvan (the common tongue of Erigone) and their local dialect of Low Sylvan.
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