Game Wine: Wine Paparazzi

I lied.  There's no game content in this post.

Robin EB is now officially part of the Texas wine paparazzi. We spent a big chunk of last night at William Chris Vineyards in Hye, Texas, for a press event and wine club thank-you (as press; we don't spend enough money on our membership to be part of those thanked). You know those wine blogs I list over on the right-hand side of this page? We met most of them, including the big-name guys who have actually published books! And Robin didn't embarrass herself the way I did when I met Warren Ellis.

Full details are upcoming on Vitis Poema but check out some of my crappy phone camera pictures below!

That is a much more serious knife than you really need to kill watermelons.

Everybody gathered beneath the oaks for watermelon sacrifices like vegetarian Druids.

Bill (AKA "William") talking about the new varietals on the way.  Vive l'Tannat! (I don't know French.)

Even as the sun sets, Robin's wine hat sticks out like a big "S" on her chest.  (That was my idea.)


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